Egypt without Cleopatra Egypt, with 5000 years of history, is the oldest civilization. An heir to this great civilization is the newly-elected President Morsi. In the flesh, he may be a far cry from all the dead pharaohs. A quick examination can reveal the claim. Mohamed Morsi Isa El-Ayyat, born 20 August 1951, standing against pyramids, is not as tall as any mummy pharaoh. Additionally, his table manners contradict that of a cultured pharaoh. Finally, he does not seem to be as intelligent as a pharaoh. A pharaoh did not wear a tie to show his allegiance to the Roman Empire. Moreover, pharaohs wore handsome goatees that resembled a tie, not a funny worn-out tie. Although Morsi, whose father was probably a Morse operator, wishes to look like a pharaoh, sadly, he has inherited a wide flat square chin that requires months after months to grow a long jet-black horsetail goatee to fit his face. Then what? Is his tie concealment or a canonically permitted tactical maneuver employed by "Machiavelli" Islamists: the ends justify the means, before solidifying the 3rd Islamic Republic after Pakistan, the breeding farm of Taliban? Pharaohs’ substitute, during his studies in USA, was affectionately pampered by sweet services. It seems he successfully passed his scholastic examinations. As to Egypt’s legendary Cleopatra, enacted by Elizabeth Taylor, the stunning Jewish female, we may boldly conclude that Egypt is still in short supply of a female celebrity, with a quick glance at the female marchers of Altahrir sq. Mr. Morsi, Ph.D. in materials science, from USA, has said that in childhood he went to school on the back of a donkey, which is the symbol of the Egyptian sun god Ra. Moreover, some believers came to see the cross-shaped marking present on donkeys' backs and shoulders as a symbol of the animal's bearing Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Of course, he, Morsi, belongs to Muslim Brotherhood Islamists, the headquarters of which is said to be at the City of London, http://rense.com/general66/london.htm. Aside from Egypt, world has not been empty of some wise men who in the capacity of poets and writers have contributed to world’s knowledge, but they failed to boldly make their points. For instance, when talking of literature, escape and interpretive, they have suggested that reading too much escape literature can ‘leave us with superficial attitude toward life and distort our view of reality and give us false concepts and false expectation’. They, writers, failed to see that reading junk literature is not limited to books that we read. They failed to see that illiterate people, who despise reading books, constantly attend community gathering halls to listen to preachers who constantly breath down people’s neck stories form a couple of escape literature. From Morocco to Afghanistan, the plowmen, dough men, bakers and Talibans, for 1400 years, have been uninterruptedly listening to hammering preachers. The result is what the learned men have said: a superficial attitude toward life, distorted reality, false concept, and false expectation. The world, drowning in the deep quagmire of economic mismanagement is preparing to launch a new Movie: Egypt without Cleopatra.